Boom Beach

The design and characterization of the characters on Boom Beach game are admirable.

Reception & Tutorial

The reception and tutorial screens are clear, inviting and fun.

Boom Beach game

Progress in the game is clear and relevant, creating a sense of strategic play.
The animations are pleasant and entertaining.

Boom Beach rewards

The rewards graphic and animation are smart and fun, varied, the player can choose what to collect, the quantities feel right but not too much.

Dr.T – Competitor Bot

There are a few surprises that increase the motivation to play and to improve. Definitely a competitor Bot that fits to the player’s progress. Insert a lot of interest, desire to return the game and contributes to the narrative.

Boom Beach’s map

The map on Boom Beach is clear with opportunities to fight, conquer and develop. The information is limited and accurate.
You can replace the opportunities that pop up on the map.
The exposure of the map is done in a good gradual way.

Before we attack, we can investigate the opponent’s defense strategy and plan an attack strategy.
Clear information about the player’s soldiers that can attack and the clarity of the winning rewards are good.

Boom Beach’s summary screens

The summary screens are good, giving rewarding and experiential feedback.


The copy of the loss is good in that it strengthens the feeling of failure and thus makes the player motivated to return and correct the failure and win.